Unbeknownst to me, the three-year-old was not soundly sleeping. She was, in fact, creating a small path of destruction. After my 20 minute phone call, yes, just 20 minutes folks, this was what I encountered...
Alas, don't worry. There was still a bright side to this trail of terror. The explosion of toys offered a perfect opportunity to play the clean-up game, which is another post entirely involving bribery and lost sanity...
The similarities in our lives crack me up - I too have horrid reception in our house and I often sit outside with coffee from my french press to talk! How weird is that? But, my Maizie will soon be 14 so no more paths of destruction! Some of my art journals from 2001 (her third year) are covered in her scribbles and drawings. Enjoy it all now, it does get better, but I do feel sad sometimes thinking back on those days. They were hectic, but fabulous too!